Reach Partners is fortunate to share office space with a voracious reader. To nobody’s surprise, none of us hesitated to start an interoffice book club when Rachel suggested we read a book together.
The three of us are now on our second book. We don’t have a hard schedule. We jointly determine how much to read for our next discussion, and I find an hour on our calendars that works well with other work obligations. We are reading Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear by Elizabeth Gilbert. Two of us have read it before, but reading it again is not only helpful but insightful. I find this true of so many personal development books.
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Several years ago, Reach Partners started a practice that has now become an established tradition.
We initiated CCC, which stands for Coffee, Cheese Plates, and Cocktails. We are big believers that good food, good drinks, and good conversations go hand-in-hand. By adopting this strategy, we’ve been intentional about framing our relationship-building in a fun, informal way. But let’s face it, this is also our much-more-inviting take on a CRM tool. This is how we stay connected with our current clients while learning about ways we can partner with new ones. From my FYP: Tutorial by Kristen Pine @barnandpetal TikTok Reflection is more than just looking back on what has happened; it is an intentional practice of processing experiences, considering outcomes, and imagining possibilities. When approached thoughtfully, reflection becomes a tool for growth. It transforms experiences into actionable insights.
I like to think reflection is a forward-moving practice that seeks solutions, growth, or improvement. It’s about taking lessons from past experiences and using them to create a better future. Reflection is not the same as rumination, which traps us in the past, replaying missed opportunities or mistakes without resolution. Where reflection acts, rumination stands still. October is National Women’s Small Business Month, a time to celebrate the accomplishments of women entrepreneurs and reflect on what it takes to build a successful business.
At Reach Partners, we’ve spent years growing our business and supporting others along the way. In the spirit of this month, and with a focus on securing new projects, we want to share insights from our own journey while spotlighting women-owned businesses in our network. One of the greatest lessons we’ve learned over and over is that no one succeeds alone. Surrounding yourself with capable, knowledgeable, and inspiring people is a key part of the formula for success. I’m grateful daily for the leadership and excellence shown to me by Anita. By surrounding yourself in a network of women entrepreneurs, you create a support system that has the potential to lift everyone higher. Partnerships can unlock new opportunities and help women-led businesses grow stronger together. Trust is a strange, living thing, isn't it? It breathes in the spaces between promises and deliveries, between what’s said and what’s done. It’s nurtured through small actions and gestures, yet it can sometimes feel as elusive as smoke.
Why do some clients trust us immediately, while others seem to withhold it forever? What is the alchemy behind trust? Let’s start with a simple ingredient: delivery. I have attended and led hundreds of meetings throughout my career. Likely, so have you.
There is one thing I require for every meeting. I don’t know who coined the phrase, “no agenda, no attend-a,” but they are right. An agenda should be a requirement for every meeting. Agendas are a leadership tool, not just a list of “to dos” or outstanding topics to discuss. People who use an agenda well lead their teams to accomplish what they said they would do. Whenever two or more people meet in an office, conference room, or workspace, issues may arise. After all, differing opinions are a side effect of being human.
To prevent something small from shifting into a serious problem, we’ve learned at Reach Partners that open discussion can benefit the productivity of our team. Addressing small and large matters early on can lead to a healthier organizational culture. As much as we like each other, Anita and I acknowledge and accept we’ll have challenges working together. To address these, we keep “issues” as a weekly agenda item at our staff meetings. By giving ourselves a consistent time and place for the conversation, we can prepare for dialogue instead of argument. This allows us to focus our work time on client projects instead of stewing over issues. It is one way we value each other, deflate disagreements, and take action to move forward. I started running just before I turned 30. After realizing I had never completed a consecutive mile, I wanted to see if I could reduce the amount I sweat (my cooling system is a slick thing to be admired) and transform into a long-legged, running gazelle (nope).
Still, what I have discovered after years of trotting is there are similarities between running a race (like a half marathon, 13.1 miles) and the project management work I do at Reach Partners (everyday, baby). For both, success starts by committing to do what I say I’ll do. In our years of experience, we have worked with two types of clients. The first we will call Delores*, the second we will call Helen*. (*Names have been changed to protect the innocent.)
Both clients invite Reach Partners to help them maximize their ability to complete a project. The difference is in how they acknowledge our contributions. One treats us as a publicly visible partner; the other asks us to do our work more quietly. To be clear, our efforts remain the same whether we work with Delores or Helen. And we are happy to partner with both. But here’s how the differences may play out: My family and I recently enjoyed a vacation in North Carolina. We visited the beach, attended a professional hockey game, and cherished time spent together.
We also toured the Battleship North Carolina. This ship participated in every major naval offensive in the Pacific theater of operations during World War II. It’s now an authentically restored National Historic Landmark. As we walked through the exhibits and learned more about the important role this ship played, I had an ah-hah moment. At Reach Partners, we often use the analogy “we drive the boat” with our clients. It’s a way to describe the role we can play when an organization needs assistance. In North Carolina, I started to question what kind of boat we drive. |
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January 2025