We are on countdown to 2014! Time is so feckless; it spins madly or trickles endlessly. It’s the end of the third quarter of 2013 and it feels like there’s a lot of time. But in reality, there are only 68 business days to complete projects for 2013. Most of us carry a number of lists: projects and tasks that have to get done—yesterday and lists of things that need to get done—now. Reach Partners can assist your business with those to-do projects, lighten the load and relieve your staff of your Get-It-Done-Now list so your team can focus on the Get-It-Done-Yesterday projects for 2013. We can help prioritize, develop the ways and means to get things done or provide the follow-through on projects.
We execute. We connect. We fill in the gaps. You succeed. Rachel, Reach Partners
A friend I hadn’t seen for a while was flabbergasted to find I own a smart phone, have 80 apps I use somewhat regularly and that I could sell him on one or two. Next to the gamer, hacker or app mogul I don’t have a shred of expertise, but in the real world, I can and do hold my own. I am naturally curious, and not afraid to try and explore. My confidence soared when I attended an app session for entrepreneurs and I found I had experience, knowledge and a voice to share my techno-competency with the women sitting around me.
Full disclosure: I am VERY cheap (and painfully legal so no stealing music or vids for me) so I prefer to find options that have great functionality for a free to small price tag. Here is a quick review of 6 of my favorite iPhone apps I use for work: Dropbox - I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Dropbox. I find I can collaborate with anyone via Mac and PC using this simple, inexpensive file hosting/sharing, cross platform software. It is a beautiful thing to share images with my family, file folders with a client, documents with co-workers. I've deleted and restored items with ease, checked on who's reviewed a document and made edits to a proposal from home, on the iPhone and from everywhere. It’s free for limited, but generous amount of space and not too expensive for a family or business to get all the space needed. Find iPhone- If I forgot the iPad at work, I can locate it using this app. Through it, I can lock it down so someone else can't use it or even wipe it entirely. If my iPhone or iPad is in the house somewhere, I can locate it with a sound alarm, even when the battery is low. Haiku Deck - (Technically this is for the iPad, but I like it so much I disregard rules) When posting, I like to incorporate a visual cue that relates to the content, but I don't have a huge image selection of my own. Haiku Deck finds royalty free images I can use and add short lines of text. Nice. The free version is fully functional from my standpoint. If you want, additional themes and images are available with the paid version. Hipmunk - I cannot begin a search for flights any other way. One way, two way and additional stops. It gets a 10 on the scale of adorable interface and the userability of Hipmuck is like non-other. Vine - I haven't launched a Vine post for work yet but I sure love the ability to make 6 sec vids. Weebly –Reach Partners has this lovely website and blog because of the easy, inexpensive way Weebly lets us create our site. They are not overselling themselves when they say Weebly has “awesome features to build a unique site.” So true! Weebly is wonderful. I use the iPhone app often to check stats and post to this and to client’s blogs. I’m curious to learn, what are your favorite apps? Rachel, Reach Partners My goal for vacation is to be present. No matter what situation my family of four is in, I work to be totally there. Not to say I won’t check an occasional post or peek at email (I’m human!) but overall and with gratitude, I spend vacation present with my husband and two kids. As I reflect on recent vacation, I’m reminded of a great presence as Ian, my youngest, and I watched big black beetle move slowly across the sidewalk. At 3, his questions rarely stop: “Where is he going? What is he doing? Why? Why? Why?” Yet it’s his focus on the bug and my focused intent to be with my son at that moment reminds me today to be present. By the time bug crawled-fell down the sidewalk onto the road, my husband and 11-year old had had enough beetle watching. I stayed until Ian decided it was time to leave. Our mutual intent was noteworthy as my husband snapped photo for a rare Facebook post. For days following, Ian continued to ask and wonder about the beetle. My wonder at the beetle continues to follow my intent: when I’m at work, back in life and no longer in vacation mode I will remember our bug and be reminded to be present. If you don’t have time to watch a beetle cross the road during vacation, when do you? Anita, Reach Partners It is not the norm to find healthy food options at group events and meetings. As event planners, we have some control in the foods offered and can effect good change if and when better choices and healthier foods are offered. I suggest that you start slow. Begin with little changes rather than go straight from donuts to fresh fruit - the shock will turn people against you. For example, a group meets monthly in the morning with donuts and jumbo muffins, step 1: reduce the number of donuts , provide mini-muffins, granola bars, a small bowl of fresh fruit and make sure water is plentiful. Then, after a few meetings or as the group gets used to the changes in the menu, move to step 2: skip the donuts, reduce the number of muffins, add string cheese and increase the fruit. After time, your people will learn to expect better choices on those mornings. People, food is not needed at EVERY break. I can hear the gasps! A mid-morning or mid-afternoon physical activity break can happen in place of food. Provide a guided activity, or let people stretch, network, run to the restroom or check a blog. Often, lunch is just around the corner. Read below for other suggestions or take a look at this healthy food planning resource for group gatherings. Anita, Reach Partners
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