Reach Partners is excited to work with three partners offering special events. #HungerFreeND
The Creating a Hunger Free North Dakota Coalition will bring together passion people and organizations united in their vision for a hunger-free North Dakota to the Creating Hunger-Free Communities Summit in Bismarck on September 17-18, 2015. A “Stone Soup” event for the public in the evening of September 17 is also planned. #WHCBismarck Improve the messages from your inner voice, get up and move, and learn how character register for the Women's Health Conference and Preview September 27 & 28. An event featuring activity and conversation focused on women's wellness, nutrition and fitness. Worksite Wellness Summit Improve Employee Health • Decrease Health Care Costs • Increase Productivity and Morale Research shows you can expect those results from a worksite wellness program. Attend the North Dakota Worksite Wellness Summit on October 13 in Fargo to get the information, tools and motivation you need to build or strengthen a culture of wellness in your organization.
Ten years ago, Anita purchased Reach Partners after being groomed for ownership by Bev Martinson who incorporated the business in 2001. The vision of Reach Partners hasn’t changed much since 2005. Our continued priority is to plan, build and finish the work that passionate people dream to accomplish; we care for our clients’ by helping them make a difference in the world. We are grateful to be the connector and driver in collaborations between community partners to execute a myriad of projects that include producing marketing collateral, communication plans, trainings, and events. We continue to offer an individualized approach to each client’s need, delivered with efficiency, effectiveness and passion.
Anita says, “Thank you for the continued success of 10 years of project management consulting due to your continued trust, patronage and referrals.” Congratulations to Anita, for continuing and growing the vision of Reach Partners. |
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January 2025